姓 名 | 侯维 | 性别 | 男 | |
职称 | 无 | 最高学历/学位 | 博士 | |
博导/硕导 | ||||
研究领域与研究方向:C4禾草的遗传育种 | ||||
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学习与工作经历: 学习经历: (1) 2017-10 至 2021-06,巴黎高科环境与生命科学工程学院AgroParisTech,作物育种,博士; (2) 2013-09 至 2016-09,湖南农业大学,遗传学,硕士; (3) 2009-09 至 2013-06,湖南农业大学,生物技术,学士。 工作经历: (1) 2017-10 至 2021-03,法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAE),BioEcoAgro Joint Research Unit– INRAE AgroImpact,工程师; (2) 2015-02 至 2015-06,波兰弗罗茨瓦夫环境与生命科学大学,作物生产部,实习研究员; (3) 2021-08 至 2023-09,湖南农业大学,博士后。 | ||||
主讲课程: 遗传学 | ||||
科研成果(近五年): (1) Hou, W., Raverdy, R., Lourgant, K., Mignot, E., Arnoult, S., Giauffret, C., & Brancourt-Hulmel, M. (2022). QTL Detection for Flowering-Time Related Traits in Miscanthus sinensis Using a Staggered-Start Design. BioEnergy Research, 15(2), 718–733. (2) Hou, W., Raverdy, R., Mignot, E., Arnoult, S., Giauffret, C., & Brancourt-Hulmel, M. (2022). Estimating the Genetic Parameters of Flowering Time-Related Traits in a Miscanthus sinensis Population Tested with a Staggered-Start Design. BioEnergy Research, 15(2), 703–717. (3) Hou, W., Xu, Y., Xue, S., Li, J., Yang, Y., Yi, Z., & Fu, T. (2023). Effects of soil physics, chemistry, and microbiology on soil carbon sequestration in infertile red soils after long-term cultivation of perennial grasses. GCB Bioenergy, 15(2), 239–253. (4) Hou, W., & Yi, Z. (2023). Heterosis for biomass yield and quality traits in a reciprocal cross population between Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Industrial Crops and Products, 214, 117451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117451 (5) Zhang, Y., & Hou, W. (2023). Profit-maximizing of perennial energy crop production through optimized management practices: A commentary on Zhang et al. (2022). GCB Bioenergy, 15(3), 268–270. (6) Fu, T., Lu, Y., Xiao, L., Xue, S., Yi, Z., Li, M., & Hou, W. (2023). Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Miscanthus and its relative genera (Poaceae) in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 192, 116113. (7) Fu, T., Xu, Y., Hou, W., Yi, Z., & Xue, S. (2022). Long‐term cultivation of Miscanthus and switchgrass accelerates soil organic carbon accumulation by decreasing carbon mineralization in infertile red soil. GCB Bioenergy, gcbb.12987. (8) Xu, Y., Duan, X., Wu, Y., Fu, T., Hou, W., Xue, S., & Yi, Z. (2024). The efficiency and stability of soil organic carbon sequestration by perennial energy crops cultivation on marginal land depended on root traits. Soil and Tillage Research, 235, 105909. | ||||
研究项目(近五年): (1) 湖南省科技厅, 湖南省科技重大专项, 2021NK1050, 洞庭湖区芦苇全量化多级利用关键技术研究与示 范, 2022-09 至 2025-08, 1500万元, 在研, 参与; (2) 全国博士后管委会, 全国博士后国际交流计划省市联合资助项目, YJ20210415, 芒属植物荻的谱系地 理学研究, 2021-11 至 2023-10, 60万元, 在研, 主持; (3) 法国国家研究总署(Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), 欧盟合作项目, ANR-11-BTBR- 0006-BFF, Bioenrgy For the Future, 2012-08 至 2020-10, 6947万元, 结题, 参与。 | ||||
联系方式: 邮箱:wei.hou@hunau.edu.cn QQ:79534278 |
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